
2024 World Bench Press Championships

The 2024 World Bench Press Championships in Austin, Texas are in the books. The event saw over 800 athletes from 41 countries. Victoria chiropractor, Dr. Mark Strudwick, was one of four chiropractors chosen to treat the lifters over the course of the event. The...

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Laser Therapy for Injury

Non-invasive, pain-free, light-based laser therapy in Victoria that uses red and infrared light to target inflamed, injured and diseased tissues. Laser acts to stimulate the cells responsible for healing and results in: repair and regeneration of local blood supply,...

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Movement Assessment

Movement assessment can be used to determine quality of movement for an individual and can give an indication for why they may be having pain or restriction. A movement screening tool that both Dr. Strudwick and Dr. Quinn use is the TPI (Titleist Performance...

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Chiropractic and Neck Pain

Chiropractic and Neck Pain If you have pain in any part of your body, it can range from uncomfortable to downright debilitating. In the case of your neck, any degree of irritation can impede your ability to function. Because of this, it is important that you learn...

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Low Back Pain

Low back pain is extremely common. According to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010, (20 years of data was considered), worldwide, low back pain is the highest ranking cause of disability ( depression ranks 2nd, iron-deficiency anemia 3rd and neck pain is...

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